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  • Writer's pictureVille Tuovinen

What will happen to education in the next 10 years?

Updated: Jul 23, 2021

I've taking in liking the Witness column in Tekniikan Maailma magazine (of which I am a subscriber), where experts in different fields take turns to make predictions about their area of expertise on the hot topics of the day. It occurred to me that a similar kind of expert reflection

would also be appropriate in the field of education.

Ville Tuovinen, Master of Education, Pisara Learning

The year 2025: hybrid pen-based devices can already be found on every schoolchild in Finland without exception, and the potential of these devices has finally been recognised worldwide. Learning still takes place in schools, which are of course equipped with 5G networks, so network connections run smoothly. Textbooks are still used in parallel with devices, although there are already decent digital textbooks for most subjects. Digital devices collect learning data and provide good analysis to support learning and assessment. Learning is increasingly supported by learning videos and learning is more personalised by adapting tasks to the individual user.

2030: Personal devices have given way to personal wrist computers, and every student carries a digital pen that also serves as a personal identifier. Surrounding study spaces are filled with a variety of screens, levels, snap-on devices that recognise the user when the pen is touched to the screen surface. The surface is connected to the cloud, where all the material the learner needs can be found. Schools are learning spaces,

where these surfaces are conveniently and adequately available. Learning bots driven by artificial intelligence are commonplace. The bots will guide you to the right tasks and make sure you meet your daily and weekly learning targets. Teachers are increasingly playing an educational role, but teachers may not always be in the same room, and students may also be dispersed in or near the school building.

2035: Virtual worlds to support learning are finally catching on and technology is cheap enough to become ubiquitous in every home. Learning will take place in virtual environments, so physical presence in the same place will no longer be necessary in any way. In fact, schools have become community centres, where a variety of highly digitally equipped

spaces are available to all. Teachers' job descriptions have changed, as teaching takes place in a virtual environment, with teachers acting as tutors and producers of teaching materials, as well as experts in various learning technologies.

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